Without Sign Up Maria Maddalena Watch Movie

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“name”: “Without Sign Up Maria Maddalena Watch Movie”
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“datePublished”: “2020-04-23”,
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  1. directed by – Garth Davis
  2. Release date – 2018
  3. Score – 7647 Vote
  4. Genre – Drama
  5. Star – Joaquin Phoenix
  6. review – Twelve men heard and spread the message of Jesus. Only one woman understood it

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These are the books by the Gnostics like the book of Judas but not included in the Bible. br>
Mary was not one of the apostles but she just hung out with everyone along their journey and whom Jesus confided in the most at his most woebegone moments; I am sorry but this was beautiful on another level, and a very interesting story to tell.
I think because the bible is given to interpretation due to the heresay as the books were written so far away from the actual moment that it is all there for the objective eye to see things one way to another. br>
I think it perhaps, this story here, takes the passages from the bible and imo refines what is there, humanizes it and gives it a feel that connects on anohter level a more universal human sentient being level.
I feel that in the end I can see how Mary’s big speech after meeting with the ressurrected Jesus can be considered blasphemy but I don’t think so, I interpret it as teach what he has shown you, us, as best as YOU can. So what is so terrible about that. br>
It takes out outside sources to get to God and brings it within, to turn from hate which only provides a hateful heart that only lends to a hateful life to something different…

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This is not a movie for people who know the Bible. It was filled with errors and a lot of important things were left out.
Now I understand why it’s not in Danish cinemas!
I had to take a ferry to Sweden to see it (It’s only a twenty-minute trip. At least I had a nice day.



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